Meet Our Staff

Stephen Schwanke
Pastor Steve Schwanke grew up in a Christian family in New Hampshire and trusted Christ to be his personal Savior at the age of 11. As an eleventh grader, God began to deal with him about his need to surrender his life completely to Christ. On Valentines Day in 2000, he surrendered his life to serve God in whatever capacity God would lead.
After finishing up his undergraduate degree, Pastor Schwanke and Chrissy began traveling full time in evangelism. From 2006- 2016, Pastor had the privilege of preaching all over the United States as well some foreign countries.
Pastor Schwanke has a passion to see souls come to know the Lord as well as disciple and feed the flock at the Huntsville Bible Baptist Church. His straight-forward, Bible preaching has been used of God in a special way to see people saved and Christians encouraged to walk closer to God.
Pastor Schwanke finished his undergraduate work from Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC in 2006. In 2010, He finished his Masters of Theology from Macedonia Baptist College in Midland, NC. He received his Doctorate of Theology in May of 2019.
Feel free to personally contact Pastor Schwanke:
Phone: 256.536.7581
Mailing Address:
Stephen Schwanke
2400 Andrew Jackson Way NE
Huntsville, AL 35811

Steve and Chrissy have six children: Josiah, Lily, Leah, Lyla, Lydia, and Jadon.